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DNS Setup ​

To protect your domain and server from direct attacks, this guide shows how to configure your DNS records using either a CNAME or SRV record.

1. Log in to Your DNS Console ​

Access your DNS provider and select the domain to protect. This guide uses Cloudflare as an example.

2. Remove Existing DNS Records ​

Delete any DNS records pointing to backend server IPs to prevent direct attacks.


If your IP was public, request a new one from your provider.

3. Create a Protected DNS Record ​

CNAME Setup ​

  • Record Type: CNAME
  • Name: Desired subdomain (e.g., if you want it on the root domain, leave it blank or use @.
  • Target: Copy the protected CNAME from NeoProtect's panel.
  • TTL: 1-2 minutes (auto for Cloudflare)
  • Disable Cloudflare proxy (orange cloud).

SRV Setup (optional and only for java servers) ​

  • Record Type: SRV
  • Service: _minecraft
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Priority: 10
  • Weight: 0
  • Port: 25565
  • Target: Protected CNAME
  • TTL: 1-2 minutes

Once saved, DNS propagation may take a few minutes.


If you need assistance, feel free to contact support.